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Access a Doctor

Convenient care when you need it most! Using your computer, tablet or phone.

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Common Conditions that
don’t Require a Physical Doctor Visit

  • Cold and Flu

  • Pink Eye

  • Skin Irritation /Rash

  • Urinary Tract Infection

  • Diarrhea

  • Fever

  • Headaches

  • Sore Throat



Real time unlimited access to English and Spanish Speaking doctors for a monthly fee

Compensates for shortage of Spanish doctors in communities

Discount prescriptions sent to a local pharmacy of choice

Unlimited doctor consultations

No copay

Equal access for all cultures, ethnics, and geographic locations

Increase employee engagement in their own health

Preventive care benefits

Works with video chat

Prevents employee downtime

Expand access to care

Message a Specialist

Behavioral Health Counseling

Access to personal healthcare advocates

Provides access to specialist

More convenient

Our Solution

Provides low-cost access to affordable healthcare for families for less than $30.00 per month.

We have Doctors in all 50 states in both
English and Spanish.

Frequently Asked Questions

In what ways can I talk to a doctor?
You can schedule a phone call, video chat, or direct message session.
You can use any internet-connected computer with a web browser or any smartphone/tablet.
You can typically be on a video call with a doctor within one hour.
Your account covers you, a spouse, and your children.

Rigorous and Refined Design

Strictly standardize design attributes, multiple polishing, more refined overall and details.

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